Conversation 1
A : Hi, May , I didn't see you at work this morning. Are you all right?
B : Oh, I feel miserable . I've got a bad cold , My head is dizzy and my nose is running.
A : Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Have you seen a doctor or taken any medicines?
B : As a matter of fact I have , The doctor said it'll go away after a day or two. He's prescribed me some tablets.
A : Are you feeling better?
B : Yes, it helps me but I just have to wait and let my system do the work .
A : Do you need anything , grocery?
B : Oh , no , I'm fine . My refrigerator is piled up with food. But if it's not too much trouble for you . I'd like something to read.
A : Sure, I'll get it for you . Books or magazines?
B : I'd like both.
Conversation 2
A : Good afternoon, Miss Qi.
B : Good afternoon. It's very nice to see you again.
A : How are you feeling today?
B : I'm much better. The stomachache is gone, and the doctor is about to give me another endoscope examination to see whether the ulcer has healed.
A : That's good . Well , these are for you . I hope you will like them.
B : How beautiful they flowers are ! Thank you very much.
A : I've also brought some magazines for you . I hope they'll keep you from getting bored while you're in the hospital.
B : You're so thoughtful!
A : It's time for me to leave . I hope you will recover soon . See you later.
B : Thank you for coming. Good-bye.
Conversation 3
A : Hello, Mrs .Brown , I hope you're feeling better today .
B : Oh, yes . Thank you . I'm feeling much better now. The doctor gave me some antibiotics. I think the fever's almost gone.
A : That's good and you're looking well. By the way , how do you find the hospital here?
B : Both the doctors and nurses are very nice indeed .
A : Good to know that . Are you allowed to have some fruit? I've brought you some oranges.
B : That's very kind of you . Thank you very much.
A : Is there anything at all I can do for you ?
B : No, I don't think so , thank you .
A : All right , I'd better not stay too long. You need more rest . I'll come again tomorrow.
B : Please don't . I'm much better now. I know you are very busy .
A : If you need anything, please let me know.
B : I will. Thank you for coming and for the oranges too.
A : Don't mention it . Good-bye and take good care of yourself.
B : Bye-bye.
Conversation 4
A : Hello, Mr.Green, how are you feeling?
B : Oh, I'm feeling all right.
A : How long have you been here?
B : Only three days.
A : What's wrong with you ?
B : There's pain in my back
A : What kind of sickness is that?
B : The doctor says it is lumbago.
A : Does it take a long time to cure?
B : No.1 think one or two weeks will be all that's needed .
A : Have you had an X-ray?
B : Yes.
A : What did the doctor say?
B : He said it was nothing serious.
A : Must you always lie in bed?
B : No. Just for the first two days.
A : Can you walk now?
B : Yes . quite well.
A : Did the doctor give you an injection?
B : Oh, yes . He gave me several.
A : How did you feel after the injections?
B : I felt pretty food.
A : I have brought some oranges and grapes for you .
B : Thank you ever so much.
A : Do you have to ask the doctor if you can eat fruit?
B : Yes , I have to , but most patients are allowed to eat fruit .
A : Did you sleep well last night?
B : No , I didn't.
A : Why not?
B : I was restless.
A : I'll bring you some books to read. Perhaps you can sleep better after reading.
B : I hope so , and thank you very much for your kindness.
Conversation 5
A : My sister was taken to the hospital yesterday .
B : What happened?
A : She was hit by a car . Luckily, she wasn't seriously hurt.
B : Let's buy some flowers, and pay her a visit.
A : We'll have to hurry , visiting hours are a / most over.
B : OK. Let's go.
Conversation 6
A : Hello Mr. White . What can I do for you today?
B : Well, I've got this pain in my ear , a sore throat and I keep losing my voice.
A : Do you think you have a cold?
B : Yes , as the doctor said.
A : Mmm, well go on.
B : Well, I was up on the roof all day yesterday , as you know.
A : On the roof? What were you doing there?
B : Well, I was putting up a new TV aerial and I had a few problems. It was terribly cold.
A : Oh, go on.
B : Well, last night I got this sore throat and I started getting hot.
A : Do you have a temperature? Have you taken it?
B : Yes . It's 37.8
A : you'd better have a good rest just as the doctor said.